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  • Pregunta: What happens if the windshield (from previous exercise # 9) is changed with another windshield, which is made up of a layer of

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    What happens if the windshield (from previous exercise # 9) is changed with another windshield, which is made up of a layer of glass, an intermediate layer of air and another layer of glass? (see Figure)
    to. The amount of energy would be greater as the thickness increases, in addition the existence of air would constitute another factor to change the speed of heat flow because air is a good conductor of heat.
    b. The amount of energy transmitted would be less, since the thickness increases, in addition the existence of air would constitute another factor to change the speed of heat flow because air is not a good conductor of heat.
    c. The amount of energy would be the same, since the thickness increases, in addition the existence of air would constitute another factor to change the speed of heat flow because air is a good conductor of heat.
    d. It cannot be determined, because air is a poor conductor of heat.

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    The windshield in question has two layers of glass with an intermediate layer of air. This configura...

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¿Qué sucede si el parabrisas (del ejercicio anterior #9) se cambia con otro parabrisas, que esta formado de una capa de vidrio, una intermedia de aire y otra capa de vidrio?. (ver figura) Vidrio con aire Tint Dentro del automovil Fuerza del automovil Text Pendiente grande! AIRE CONDUCE POCO O a. La cantidad de energía seria mayor ya que el espesor aumenta, además la existencia del aire constituiría otro factor para cambiar la rapidez de flujo de calor por que el aire es un buen conductor de calor. O b.La cantidad de energía transmitida seria menor, ya que el espesor aumenta, además la existencia del aire constituiría otro factor para cambiar la rapidez de flujo de calor por que el aire no es un buen conductor de calor. O c. La cantidad de energía seria igual, ya que el espesor aumenta, además la existencia del aire constituiría otro factor para cambiar la rapidez de flujo de calor por que el aire es un buen conductor de calor. O d. No se puede determinar, por que el aire es una mal conductor de calor.