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  • Pregunta: An eagle is flying horizontally with a velocity of 3.0m/s when the fish in its claws loosens and falls into the lake that is 5.0m below. a) Calculate the velocity (horizontally and vertically) of the fish when it hit the water. b) How long did the fish take to hit the water? c) What is the horizontal distance the fish lands in the water measured from the

    An eagle is flying horizontally with a velocity of 3.0m/s when the fish in its claws loosens and falls into the lake that is 5.0m below.

    a) Calculate the velocity (horizontally and vertically) of the fish when it hit the water.

    b) How long did the fish take to hit the water?

    c) What is the horizontal distance the fish lands in the water measured from the point where it is released from the claws of the eagle?

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    Part A. Since Initially fish is traveling in horizontal direction, So V0x = Initial Horizontal velocity of fish = 3.0 m/sec V0y = Initial Vertical velocity of fish = 0 m/sec Since no acceleration or air

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Tarea: Asignación Un águila vuela horizontalmente a una velocidad de 3.0 m/s cuando el pez en sus garras se suelta y cae en el lago que está 5.0 m más abajo. a) Calcule la velocidad (horizontal y vertical) del pez cuando golpea el agua. b) ¿Cuánto tardó el pez en chocar contra el agua? c) ¿Cuánto es la distancia horizontal a la que cae el pez en el agua medida desde el punto que se suelta de las garras del águila?