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Research and Insights into the Modern Student

The American Student

Higher education used to be the great equalizer and a path to the American Dream. But it’s lost touch with the most important constituents—students. With rising tuition costs and crowded classrooms, it’s clear we aren’t doing all that we can to give students an equal opportunity to achieve success.

Chegg exists to serve the modern-day student. Every day,

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Society is Evolving, How Can Academia Keep Up?

When I was in school (let’s just say it was somewhere between the massive-computers age and the internet-in-your-pocket age of today), college life was your life. Whether that meant spending hour after hour shuffling through books in the library or mastering syntax and grammar rules by hand in your buddy’s dorm, college was inescapable. It was all-encompassing.

And guess what?

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State of the Student

The image of the American college student has long held a special place in the American zeitgeist. At the end of each summer, the public often imagines parents dropping their children off at an ivy-clad quad to begin their path to adulthood. This is a time for fun, exploration and personal development. From the movie “Animal House” to the annual lists of “best party schools,” college is often associated with fun and excitement.

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