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  • Pregunta: Write the IUPAC name or draw the structure of the following organic compounds.

    Write the IUPAC name or draw the structure of the following organic compounds.

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    To start writing the IUPAC name for 1-bromo-3-cloro-6-etil-5-terbutilciclohexano, identify and number the positions of each substituent group on the cyclohexane ring to ensure the lowest possible locants for the substituents.

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4. Escriba el nombre IUPAC o dibuje la estructura de los siguientes compuestos orgánicos. (14 puntos) \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline Estructura & Nombre IUPAC \\ \hline 1-bromo-3-cloro-6-etil-5- \\ terbutilciclohexano \\ \hline \end{tabular}