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  • Pregunta: After my work in this chapter, I am ready to express superlatives. Determine which of the two things or people in each question is the superlative for the condition or state mentioned at the end of each question prompt. Then write the correct superlative sentence using the items in each question prompt. Be sure to start each sentence with a capital letter

    After my work in this chapter, I am ready to express superlatives.

    Determine which of the two things or people in each question is the superlative for the condition or state mentioned at the end of each question prompt. Then write the correct superlative sentence using the items in each question prompt. Be sure to start each sentence with a capital letter and end with a period.


    • dos hermanas: Beti (22 años) / Lorena (19 años) / menor
    • Lorena es la menor de las hermanas.

    1. dos hijos: Tomás (8 años) / Guillermo (10 años) / mayor enter answer

    2. dos primos: Alejandro (muy paciente) / Alberto (paciente) / paciente enter answer

    3. dos bebidas: la leche (no es dulce) / el jugo (muy dulce) / dulce enter answer

    4. dos jugadores: Pau Gasol (muy bueno) / Al Horford (bueno) / mejor enter answer

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    Given "dos hijos: Tomás (8 años) / Guillermo (10 años) / mayor," determine which child is older based on their ages.

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