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  • Pregunta: The weights of two boys sitting at ends A and B of a seesaw are 48 lb and 36 lb, respectively. Determine where a third child should sit if the resultant of the forces of the three children's weights is to pass through C, and if the weight of the third child is known to be 50 lb.

    The weights of two boys sitting at ends A and B of a seesaw are 48 lb and 36 lb, respectively. Determine where a third child should sit if the resultant of the forces of the three children's weights is to pass through C, and if the weight of the third child is known to be 50 lb.

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    To determine where the third child should sit, set up the moment equilibrium equation relative to point to ensure that the seesaw is balanced.

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6 ft 6 ft 2. Los pesos de dos niños sentados en los extremos A y B de un balancin son 48 Ib y 36 Ib, respectivamente. Determine dónde debe sentarse un tercer niño si la resultante de las fuerzas de los pesos de los tres niños debe pasar por C, y si se sabe que el peso del tercer niño es de 50 lb. C