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  • Pregunta: The vertical axis windmill consists of two blades that have a parabolic shape. If the blades are originally at rest and start to rotate with a constant angular acceleration of α = 0.15 rad/s2, determine the magnitude of the acceleration of point A on the blade when t = 7.4 s.

    The vertical axis windmill consists of two blades that have a parabolic shape. If the blades are originally at rest and start to rotate with a constant angular acceleration of α = 0.15 rad/s2, determine the magnitude of the acceleration of point A on the blade when t = 7.4 s.

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    To determine the angular velocity () after a given time with an initial angular velocity () of 0 rad/s and a constant angular acceleration () of 0.15 rad/s², use the equation of motion:

    [ ω_f = ω_i + α t ]

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El molino de viento de eje vertical consiste de dos cuchillas que tienen una forma parabólica. Si las cuchillas están originalmente en reposo y empiezan a girar con una aceleración angular constante de a = 0.15 rad/s2, determine la magnitud de la aceleración del punto A sobre la cuchilla cuando t = 7.4 S. a 10 ft 20 ft