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  • Pregunta: The triangular function window is defined by Applies the triangular window to the ideal low-pass filter defined by Draw their response in amplitude and compare with the responses obtained in class with the rectangular and Hamming windows with 17 coefficients.

    The triangular function window is defined by

    Applies the triangular window to the ideal low-pass filter defined by

    Draw their response in amplitude and compare with the responses obtained in class with the rectangular and Hamming windows with 17 coefficients.student submitted image, transcription available below

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    A low pass filter is in the most

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
1. La función ventana triangular está definida por W₁ = 1- |n| M + 1' -M≤n≤M Aplica la ventana triangular al filtro ideal paso-bajas definido por H(e/²) = {0, 0.15rl< 0.5 Dibuja su respuesta en amplitud y compara con las respuestas obtenidas en clase con las ventanas rectangular y de Hamming con 17 coeficientes.