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    Texto original

    Un dispositivo cilindro émbolo se conecta a través de una válvula inicialmente cerrada a una línea donde circula vapor de agua a 300 psia y 700°F. El cilindro contiene inicialmente 0.25 lbm de agua saturado a 160 psi. En un proceso a presión constante, que se mantiene por el peso del émbolo, entra vapor al cilindro hasta que su contenido alcanza 550F, mientras que simultáneamente se pierde a través de las paredes del cilindro en calor de 90 Btu. Determine la cantidad de masa que entra al cilindro en lb


    507 / 5.000

    Resultados de traducción

    Resultado de traducción


    A piston-cylinder device is connected through an initially closed valve to a line carrying steam at 300 psia and 700°F. The cylinder initially contains 0.25 lbm of saturated water at 160 psi. In a constant pressure process, maintained by the weight of the plunger, steam enters the cylinder until its contents reach 550F, while simultaneously 90 Btu of heat is lost through the cylinder walls. Determine the amount of mass entering the cylinder in lbs.

    A piston-cylinder device is connected through an initially closed valve to a line carrying steam at 300 psia and 700°F. The cylinder initially contains 0.25 lbm of saturated water at 160 psi. In a constant-pressure process, maintained by the weight of the plunger, steam enters the cylinder until its contents reach 550F, while simultaneously 90Btu of heat is lost through the cylinder walls.

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    Here the steam enters until there is pressure balance on both the sides of valve

    That is final pressu...

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