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  • Pregunta: The tank shown in the figure is filled with oil, SG=0.8, and is accelerated with an acceleration ax. There is a small opening in the tank, at point A. Determine the acceleration ax required to make the pressure at B equal to 0.Express the answer in [m/s2].

    The tank shown in the figure is filled with oil, SG=0.8, and is accelerated with an acceleration ax. There is a small opening in the tank, at point A. Determine the acceleration ax required to make the pressure at B equal to 0.

    Express the answer in [m/s2].

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
El tanque mostrado en la figura está lleno de petróleo, SG=0.8, y se acelera con una aceleración az. Existe una pequeña abertura en el tanque, en el punto A. Determinar la aceleración az requerida para hacer que la presión en B sea igual a 0. Expresar los resultados en [m/s2] 150 mm 1.2 m ax [m/s] -1.8 m BI 150 mm с