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  • Pregunta: Table data: xx 0.240.24 1.241.24 2.012.01 2.772.77 yy 0.280.28 −0.40−0.40 0.150.15 0.610.61 They are represented by the function y=b0+b1ln(x)+b2cos(x)+b3ex.y=b0+b1ln⁡(x)+b2cos⁡(x)+b3ex. According to the theory of least squares, the parameters of the regression model are given

    Table data:

    xx 0.240.24 1.241.24 2.012.01 2.772.77
    yy 0.280.28 −0.40−0.40 0.150.15 0.610.61

    They are represented by the function


    According to the theory of least squares, the parameters of the regression model are given by:

    b3=b3= .

    Remark: The model parameters b0,b1,b2,b3b0,b1,b2,b3 are linearly related and the functions x1=ln(x),x2=cos(x)x1=ln⁡(x),x2= cos⁡(x) and x3=exx3=ex are independent of each other.

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    Start by organizing the given and data into vectors or lists, and identify the expressions for , , and .

    ANSWERS   SOLUTION We shall use R-programming to fit the required linear

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
(1 point) Los datos de la tabla x 0.24 1.24 2.01 2.77 y 0.28 -0.40 0.15 0.61 se representan por medio de la función y = bo + b₁ ln(x) + b₂ cos(x) + b3e². De acuerdo con la teoría de mínimos cuadrados, los parámetros del modelo de regresión están dados por: bo = b₁ b₂ b3 Observación: Los parámetros del modelo bo, b₁,b2, b3 se relacionan de manera lineal y las funciones x₁ = ln(x), x₂ = cos(x) y x3 = = e son independientes entre si. || || - ||