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  • Pregunta: T4.1: Budget analysis.* Instructions: Create a table where you can compare the operating budget and the financial budget for: Basis of accounting used in its preparation Purpose Contents Information they provide T4.1: Análisis de presupuesto.* Instrucciones: Elabore una tabla donde pueda comparar el presupuesto operacional y el presupuesto financiero en

    T4.1: Budget analysis.*
    Create a table where you can compare the operating budget and the financial budget for:
    Basis of accounting used in its preparation
    Information they provide

    T4.1: Análisis de presupuesto.* Instrucciones: Elabore una tabla donde pueda comparar el presupuesto operacional y el presupuesto financiero en cuanto a:

    Base de contabilidad que se utiliza en su preparación



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    To get started, create a table with two columns labeled "Operating budget" and "Financial budget," and then add rows for each category you will compare, such as "Basis of accounting used in its preparation," "Purpose," "Contents," and "Information they provide."

    Operating budget Financial budget it provides short term analysis it provides long term analysis it estimates revenue and expens

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