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  • Pregunta: Questions: 1. Explain in detail aspects of microeconomic theory that affect the achievement of solutions to business problems (Use theoreticians and theories to support the answer) 2. Explain and detail the functioning of the markets around the perfect competition model, imperfect markets: monopoly, monopolistic competition model and oligopoly models. 3.

    Questions: 1. Explain in detail aspects of microeconomic theory that affect the achievement of solutions to business problems (Use theoreticians and theories to support the answer) 2. Explain and detail the functioning of the markets around the perfect competition model, imperfect markets: monopoly, monopolistic competition model and oligopoly models. 3. Regarding the business environment; discuss equity criteria, and differentiate between simple efficiency criteria and personalized efficiency criteria. (Use theories to support the answer) 4. Explain how production processes, the behavior of production costs and variations in market processes affect; in company profits.

    Preguntas: 1. Explique detalladamente aspectos de la teoría microeconómica que inciden en el logro de soluciones a los problemas de las empresas (Utilice teóricos y teorías para fundamentar la respuesta) 2. Explique y detalle el funcionamiento de los mercados en torno al modelo de competencia perfecta, mercados imperfectos: monopolio, modelo de competencia monopolística y modelos de oligopolio. 3. En torno al ambiente de las empresas; discuta los criterios de equidad , y establezca la diferencia entre el criterio simple de eficiencia y el criterio de eficiencia personalizada. (Utilice teorías para fundamentar la respuesta) 4. Explique cómo inciden los procesos productivos, el comportamiento de los costos de producción y las variaciones en procesos del mercado; en las ganancias de las empresas.

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    To start explaining aspects of microeconomic theory that affect the achievement of solutions to business problems, describe how economic decision-making at the individual unit level helps businesses make choices based on the state of the economy, resources available, market competition, externalities, and uncertainties.

    Ans:- "As per chegg guidelines i am allowed to answer only one question for that reason but i am answering 1st  two questions....for remaining questions plz post it seperately....sorry for your inconvinience" 1) Microeconomics deals with economic dec

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