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  • Pregunta: Question: As part of a study on psychology and education to optimize teaching curricula that integrate innovative perspectives, a group of school psychologists together with the school organization want to examine whether students in the Art curriculum maintain their school achievement over time. For this they took a group of 20 students and annually

    Question: As part of a study on psychology and education to optimize teaching curricula that integrate innovative perspectives, a group of school psychologists together with the school organization want to examine whether students in the Art curriculum maintain their school achievement over time. For this they took a group of 20 students and annually administered a test of academic achievement at the end of the school year. Measures were taken from the last 3 years. We want to examine whether there are differences in the scores of the academic achievement tests of the group of 20 students in the Art curriculum over the three years.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    Answer the following questions:

    1. Possible research question:

    2. Develop the hypotheses:

    H0 =

    H1 =

    3. Statistical analysis:

    4. Conclusion:

    5. Report and interpret results appropriately in APA style.

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    Solution: (1) Possible Research Question: Whether Art Curriculum has any impact on student performance over time? (2) Hypothesis Testing: Ho:  Ha: Atleast one of

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
estudiantes en el currículo de Arte a lo largo de los tres anos. Outputs Pruebas de normalidad Kolmogorov-Smirnov Estadístico gl Sig. .159 .200 .168 20 .142 .113 20 .200 20 Prueba aprovechamiento Tiempo 1 Prueba aprovechamiento Tiempo 2 Prueba aprovechamiento Tiempo 3 Shapiro-Wilk Estadístico gl 945 20 .929 20 .970 20 Sig. .294 .146 .762 Prueba de esfericidad de Mauchly Medida: MEASURE_1 Epsilon Chi-cuadrado aprox. Greenhouse- Geisser Efecto intra-suietos W de Mauchly gl Sig, Huynh-Falật Limite-inferior Prueba de esfericidad de Mauchly Medida: MEASURE_1 Epsilon Efecto intra-sujetos Año gl Chi-cuadrado aprox 021 W de Mauchly 999 Sig 990 Greenhouse Geisser 999 Huynh-Feldt 1.000 Limite-inferior .500 2 Pruebas de efectos intra-sujetos. Medida: MEASURE_1 gl F 2 Origen Αλο Esfericidad asumida Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Límite-inferior Error(Año) Esfericidad asumida Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Limite-inferior Suma de cuadrados tipo III 89864.585 89864.585 89864.585 89864.585 244320.357 244320.357 244320.357 244320.357 Media cuadrática 44932.293 44983.799 44932.293 89864.585 6429.483 6436.853 6429.483 12858.966 .98 6.988 6.988 6.988 Sig .003 .003 .003 016 1.998 2.000 1.000 38 37.956 38.000 19.000 Factores intra-sujetos Medida: MEASURE_1 Variable Año dependiente 1 Prueba1 2 Prueba2 3 Prueba3 Estadísticos descriptivos N Desviación típica 91.35947 70.87218 Media Prueba aprovechamiento Tiempo 1 501.0152 Prueba aprovechamiento Tiempo 2 568.7667 Prueba aprovechamiento Tiempo 3 592.3118 20 20 93.07899 20 Pruebas de contrastes intra-sujetos Medida: MEASURE_1 gl 1 Origen Año Año Nivel 1 respecto a nivel 3 Nivel 2 respecto a nivel 3 Error(Año) Nivel 1 respecto a nivel 3 Nivel 2 respecto a nivel 3 Suma de cuadrados tipo III 166701.162 11087.430 245871.512 250581.445 Media cuadrática 166701.162 11087.430 12940.606 13188.497 F 12.882 841 Sig. ,002 371 1 19 19 Comparaciones por pares Medida: MEASURE_1 (UAño (JAño 2 3 Sig. b .041 2 2 Intervalo de confianza al 95 % para la diferencia Limite Límite inferior superior -133.242 -2.261 -158.071 -24.522 2.261 133.242 -90.956 43.866 24.522 158.071 -43.866 90.956 Diferencia de medias (-J) -67.751 -91.297 67.751 -23.545 91.297 23.545 1 Error tip 24.948 25.437 24.948 25.679 25.437 25.679 .006 .041 1.000 .006 1.000 3 اليا 1 2