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Question 4 Una fuerza electromotriz de 200 voltios es aplicada a un circuito en series RC en el cual la resistencia es de 1000 ohms y la capacitancia es de 5x10-6 farad. Encuentre la carga y la corriente en t = 0.005s si se sabe que i(0) = 0.4 amps O 1 (0.005)= coulombios, (0.005) = 0.1472 amperes 500 q (0.005)=0.003 coulombios, i(0.005)=0.02 amperes q (0.005)= 0.0003 coulombios, i(0.005)= 0.1472 amperes Ninguna de las anteriores - Xe QUESTION For the timely uneorted beam shown below.sketch the free body deram os and determine the correct. Your commutations must include thereby your calculations include the FAD and at the centina diagram ID) to receive full credit. Assume Alain and is a roller. Take w577 it and P2.373 to the space provided, indicate the verticala Abutin Tos -10 ft -10 ft -5 ft QUESTION 2 See and Submit to save and subuit. Click Save Ad Answers to see all as SISUS