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  • Pregunta: The pump shown in the figure takes water from the lower tank to the upper tank, both tanks are closed at the top. Determine the following: o The inlet and outlet pressures of the pump (energy losses are not considered). o Considering hl = a 20 m for the entire system, determine the power required for the pump motor (ƞ = 100%).

    The pump shown in the figure takes water from the lower tank to the upper tank, both tanks are closed at the top. Determine the following:

    o The inlet and outlet pressures of the pump (energy losses are not considered).

    o Considering hl = a 20 m for the entire system, determine the power required for the pump motor (ƞ = 100%).

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    To find the inlet and outlet pressures of the pump, use the Bernoulli equation between the inlet and outlet of the pump, taking into account the given flow rate and pipe diameter to calculate the velocity of the water in the pipe.

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6) La bomba que se muestra en la figura lleva agua del tanque inferior al superior, ambos tanques están cerrados en su parte superior. Determine lo siguiente: o Las presiones de entrada y salida de la bomba (no considere pérdidas de energía). o Considerando hl = a 20 m para todo el sistema, determine la potencia requerida para el motor de la bomba (n = 100%). Aire Diámetro del tubo = 24 in Agua 6,9 104 Pa 3m Q = 2350 l/s Aire Agua 2,4 105 Pa K=0,4 152 m Bomba 152 m Válvula abierta K=1 12 m K=0,9 Nivel de referencia