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  • Pregunta: Proceed to solve the system of linear equations in Matlab using the LU and QR factorization, you must verify that both results are the sameProblem 2. 4. Total points 25The equation of a toroid whose parametric equation is:

    Proceed to solve the system of linear equations in Matlab using the LU and QR factorization, you must verify that both results are the same
    Problem 2. 4. Total points 25
    The equation of a toroid whose parametric equation is:student submitted image, transcription available belowstudent submitted image, transcription available below

    Proceed to plot the surface. Include the code and the plot of the surface

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    To solve the system of linear equations using LU and QR factorization in MATLAB, we first need to se...

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Proceda a resolver el sistema de ecuaciones lineales en Matlab empleando la factorización LU y QR, debe verificar que ambos resultados son iguales Problema 2. 4. Total de puntos 25 La ecuación de un toroide cuya ecuación paramétrica es: X=2(1+cos(V))cos(U)Y=2(1+cos(V))sen(U)Z=2sen(V)0<u<2π0<v<2π Proceda a graficar la superficie. Incluya el código y la gráfica de la superficie Formulas y=L1bx=U1yx=R1QTb