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  • Pregunta: In Problems 27−36 solve the given initial-value problem. 27. y′′+4y=−2,y(π/8)=21,y′(π/8)=2 28. 2y′′+3y′−2y=14x2−4x−11,y(0)=0,y′(0)=0 29. 5y′′+y′=−6x,y(0)=0,y′(0)=−10 30. y′′+4y′+4y=(3+x)e−2x,y(0)=2,y′(0)=5 31. y′′+4y′+5y=35e−4x,y(0)=−3,y′(0)=1 32. y′′−y=coshx,y(0)=2,y′(0)=12 33. dt2d2x+ω2x=F0sinωt,x(0)=0,x′(0)=0 34. dt2d2x+ω2x=F0cosγt,x(0)=0,x′(0)=0

    28, 31 differential equations
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In Problems 2736 solve the given initial-value problem. 27. y′′+4y=2,y(π/8)=21,y(π/8)=2 28. 2y′′+3y2y=14x24x11,y(0)=0,y(0)=0 29. 5y′′+y=6x,y(0)=0,y(0)=10 30. y′′+4y+4y=(3+x)e2x,y(0)=2,y(0)=5 31. y′′+4y+5y=35e4x,y(0)=3,y(0)=1 32. y′′y=coshx,y(0)=2,y(0)=12 33. dt2d2x+ω2x=F0sinωt,x(0)=0,x(0)=0 34. dt2d2x+ω2x=F0cosγt,x(0)=0,x(0)=0