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  • Pregunta: Problem 2: The pipe is made of copper (E=120 GPa and Oy= 740 MPa). It has an external diameter of and a thickness t . Using a buckling safety factor of FSb and a creep safety factor of FSy determine the maximum load P with an eccentricity e that can be applied without causing buckling or creep of the material. Assume that the pipe has embedded supports at

    Problem 2: The pipe is made of copper (E=120 GPa and Oy= 740 MPa). It has an external diameter of and a thickness t . Using a buckling safety factor of FSb and a creep safety factor of FSy determine the maximum load P with an eccentricity e that can be applied without causing buckling or creep of the material. Assume that the pipe has embedded supports at both ends.

    de= 33mm, t = 6.75 mm, e = 13mm, FSb = 2.3, FSy = 2.4

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    Hay 2 pasos para resolver este problema.
    Paso 1

    To determine the maximum load P that can be applied without causing buckling or creep of the copper ...

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    Paso 2
Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
Problema 2: El tubo está fabricado con cobre ( E=120GPa y σy=740MPa). Tiene un diámetro externo de y un espesor t. Usando un factor de seguridad contra el pandeo de FS S y un factor de seguridad contra la fluencia de FS determina la máxima carga P con una excentricidad e que puede aplicarse sin causar pandeo o fluencia del material. Asuma que el tubo tiene apoyos EMPOTRADOS en ambos extremos.