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  • Pregunta: The personal manager of a company believes that there is a relationahip between absence from work and the age of the employee. In order to study the problem he took into account the age of ten workers chosen at random and counted the days of absence during the year. The results were as seen in the table below. a) Find the coefficient of determination and

    The personal manager of a company believes that there is a relationahip between absence from work and the age of the employee. In order to study the problem he took into account the age of ten workers chosen at random and counted the days of absence during the year. The results were as seen in the table below.

    a) Find the coefficient of determination and justify your answer.
    b) Calculate the linear regression line.
    c) Check if β0 and β1 are significantly different from zero.
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    (X)   (Y) X^2 Y^2 X*Y Y' = 28.4965-0.4681X Y-Y' (Y-Yi)^2 (Xi - Xbar)^2 45 8 2025 64 360 7.4326 0.5674 0.3219 0.25 50 2 2500 4 100 5.0922 -3.0922 9.5617 30.25

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5. El jefe de personal de una empresa cree que existe una relación entre la ausencia al trabajo y la edad del empleado. Con el propósito de estudiar el problema tomó en cuenta la edad de diez trabajadores escogidos al azar y contabilizó los días de ausencia durante el año. Los resultados fueron como se observa en la tabla que sigue. Edad (años) 45 50 30 40 62 40 Ausencia (días) 8 2 15 12 18 a) Encuentra el coeficiente de determinación y justifica la respuesta. b) Calcula la recta de regresión lineal. c) Verifica si Bo y B₁ son significativamente diferentes de cero.