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  • Pregunta: A pair of students obtain the following data by analyzing a sample of vinegar and a sample of milk. Which of the two samples contains the higher acid content? Which sample contains the lower molarity? Indicate how the following situations will affect the experimentally calculated % acid in a sample. a) Less water is added to the sample than indicated in

    A pair of students obtain the following data by analyzing a sample of vinegar and a sample of milk. Which of the two samples contains the higher acid content? Which sample contains the lower molarity? Indicate how the following situations will affect the experimentally calculated % acid in a sample. a) Less water is added to the sample than indicated in the experiment. B) The sample is transferred to a moist Erlenmeyer flask. c) A greater amount of NaOH is added in the titration than required. d) Air bubbles are observed in the burette during the titration.

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    Acetic acid containing high acid content because it requires more volume of NaOH for neutralisation than milk sample. The basic principle of this titration is simple acid base neutralisation process. If the sample contains more acid content then it r

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Preguntas adicionales 1. Una pareja de estudiantes obtiene los siguientes datos al analizar una muestra de vinagre y una muestra de leche. Muestra Volumen requerido de NaOH 0.500 M 10.0 mL vinagre 9.80 mL 10.0 mL leche 1.70 mL ¿Cuál de las dos muestras contiene mayor contenido de ácido? ¿Cuál de las muestras contiene menor molaridad? 2. Indique cómo las siguientes situaciones afectarán el porcentaje (%) de ácido calculado experimentalmente en una muestra (aumenta, disminuye o no se afecta). a) Se añade menor cantidad de agua a la muestra que la indicada en el experimento: b) Se transfiere la muestra a un frasco Erlenmeyer húmedo: c) Se añade una mayor cantidad de NaOH en la titulación que la requerida: d) Se observan burbujas de aire en la bureta durante la titulación: