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  • Pregunta: Note: Remember for reversible processes ΔS=Q/T (Do not forget the sign of the heat. if it enters or leaves the reserve) A completely reversible heat pump produces heat at a rate of 3.0 MW to heat a space and maintain it

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    Note: Remember for reversible processes ΔS=Q/T (Do not forget the sign of the heat. if it enters or leaves the reserve)

    A completely reversible heat pump produces heat at a rate of 3.0 MW to heat a space and maintain it at 25ºC, the outside air, which serves as a reserve, is maintained at 5ºC. Calculate the following parameters.



    COPHP (thermal) of Carnot, COPHP=_______




    ΔSHT=________kJ/s K

    ΔSLT=________kJ/s K

    ΔSUniv=_______kJ/s K

    Do you understand that this system complies with the principle of entropy increase of the second law of thermodynamics, that ΔSUniv≥0 ? Write Yes or No. :________

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b. Entropía: ΔS=TQvvTΔS=ΔU+PΔVTΔS=ΔhVΔPQvv=TΔS Gases idelaes@ CpyCv Constantes: ΔS=m[Cvln(T1T2)+Rln(V1V2)]ΔS=m[Cpln(T1T2)Rln(P1P2)]ΔU=mCvΔTPv=RTPV=mRT (Recuerde cuando Q sale de una reserva se toma con signo negativo y si entra +) a. Ciclo de Carnot: η=QHW=1THTLCOPR=WQL=THTLTLCOPHP=WQH=THTLTH Las ecuaciones en términos de calor y trabajo se usan para las eficiencias del equipo y las que están en términos de temperatura absoluta se usan para las eficiencias de Carnot.