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  • Pregunta: Need Help. The image shows a multiple-choice question in Spanish about the use of Microarray technology in cancer research. The question is, "What is the Microarray technique used for in cancer?"The options provided are:To conduct large

    Need Help.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    The image shows a multiple-choice question in Spanish about the use of Microarray technology in cancer research. The question is, "What is the Microarray technique used for in cancer?"

    The options provided are:

    1. To conduct large genomic studies and analyze differences between normal and tumor cells and discriminate potential biomarkers.
    2. To compare different stages of a tumor and understand more about its genetic transformation.
    3. If biomarker primers are included, to timely identify the presence of cancer cells in patient samples.
    4. To design therapies knowing which genes are involved in cancer.
    5. To know the states of methylation, acetylation, and other PTMs (Post-Translational Modifications) in cancer.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    The image shows a question in Spanish related to the role of DAG (diacylglycerol) in cancer signaling pathways. The question asks what DAG is in cancer signaling cascades.

    The options provided are:

    1. A promoter of cancer in conjunction with other factors
    2. A cancer inhibitor by itself
    3. A tumor suppressor gene
    4. A ligand that participates in oxidative phosphorylation
    5. A promoter of apoptosis in conjunction with other factors when well regulated

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    The image displays a question in Spanish related to cancer biology, which translates to:

    "A tumor that shows proliferation towards deep tissues but does not show the development of blood vessels explains:"

    The possible answers are:

    1. All of the above
    2. That it does not have the potential to metastasize
    3. Because some tumors are hypoxic
    4. The difference between invasion and metastasis
    5. That it is necessary to plan effective treatment strategies
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    The correct option is:

    To conduct large genomic studies and analyze differences between normal and tu...

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
La técnica de Microarreglo sirve en cáncer para: Seleccione una o más de una: Hacer grandes estudios genómicos y analizar diferencias entre células normales y tumorales y discriminar potenciales biomarcadores Comparar diferentes etapas de un tumor y comprender más sobre su transformación genética Si se incluyen primers de biomarcadores, para identificar a tiempo la presencia de células cancerosas en muestras de pacit Para diseñar terapias conociendo cuales genes están implicados en el cáncer Conocer los estados de metilación, acetilación y otras PTM's en cáncer DAG es en cascadas de señalización en cáncer. Seleccione una: Un promotor de cáncer en conjunto con otros factores Un inhibidor de cáncer por sí solo un gen supresor de tumores un ligando que participa en fosforilación oxidativa Promotor de apoptosis en conjunto con otros factores cuando está bien regulado Un tumor que muestra proliferación hacia tejidos profundos, pero no muestra desarrollo de vasos sanguineos explica Seleccione una: todas las anteriores que no tiene potencial de mestatizar porqué algunos tumorés son hipóxicos la diferencia entre invasión y metástasis que hay que planificar estrategias de tratamiento efectivas