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  • Pregunta: Need HelpThe image contains a question in Spanish regarding tyrosine kinases, which translates to:"Which of the following options are true regarding tyrosine kinases?"The options provided are:They promote oncogenesis after hyperactive

    Need Help

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    The image contains a question in Spanish regarding tyrosine kinases, which translates to:

    "Which of the following options are true regarding tyrosine kinases?"

    The options provided are:

    1. They promote oncogenesis after hyperactive phosphorylation of tyrosine on receptors.
    2. Their blocker works in CML because it binds to plasma proteins.
    3. All the options are correct.
    4. They promote cell division after the phosphorylation of tyrosine in cytoplasmic proteins.
    5. They promote apoptosis after nuclear damage by the phosphorylation of proteins that respond to nuclear DNA damage.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    The image shows a question in Spanish that translates to:

    "A benign tumor or one of slow growth should not be disturbed because"

    The options provided are:

    1. Medical treatments can result more harmful to health than the tumor.
    2. It has low risks of complications.
    3. It has low risks of metastasis.
    4. The quality of life of the patient can be impacted.
    5. The remaining cells can transform.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    The image contains a statement in Spanish followed by a true/false question. The statement translates to:

    "Once the zymogens of caspases are activated, the cancer cell will die by apoptosis."

    The possible answers are:

    1. True
    2. False
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    The correct option regarding tyrosine kinases is:
    4. They promote cell division after the phosphoryla...

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
La o las siguientes opciones son ciertas con respecto a las cinasas de tirosina. Seleccione una: Promueven oncogénesis tras la fosforilación hiperactiva de tirosina en receptores Su bloqueador funciona en CML. porque se pega a proteinas plasmaticas. Todas las opciones son ciertas Promueven división celular tras la fosforilación de tirosina en proteinas citoplásmicas Promueven apoptosis tras daĥo nuclear por la fosforilación de proteinas que responden afîdaño nuclear. Un tumor benigno o de crecimiento lento no debe ser disturbado porque Seleccione una: Los tratamientos médicos pueden resultar más nocivos para la salud que el tumor Tiene bajo riesgos de complicaciones Tiene bajo riesgos de metástasis Se puede ver impactada la calidad de vida del paciente las células remanentes pueden transformarsé Una vez se activen los zimógenos de caspasas la célula cancerosa morirá por apoptosis. zleccione una: Cierto Faliso