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  • Pregunta: NEED HELP with the following problems (1-5) (Requires full procedure, not just selecting the right answer):1. Need to find the convergence radius2. Need to find the convergence inteval3. Need to find which series is condicionally convergent4. Need to find which series is absolutely convergent5. Which of the following has a

    NEED HELP with the following problems (1-5) (Requires full procedure, not just selecting the right answer):

    1. Need to find the convergence radius
    2. Need to find the convergence inteval
    3. Need to find which series is condicionally convergent
    4. Need to find which series is absolutely convergent
    5. Which of the following has a convergence radius of R=infinity

    student submitted image, transcription available below
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    Hay 2 pasos para resolver este problema.
    Paso 1

    given that the series is


    let an=12n1

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    Paso 2
Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
1. El radio de convergencia de n=12n1xn es: a. R=1 b. R=0 c. R=2 d. ninguna de las anteriores 2. El intervalo de convergencia de n=12n1xn es: a. [1/2,1/2] b. (1/2,1/2) c. (1/2,1/2] d. ninguna de las anteriores 3. La siguiente serie es condicionalmente convergente: a. n=1n(1)n b. n=1n2(1)n c. n=1n d. ninguna de las anteriores 4. La siguiente serie es absolutamente convergente: a. n=1n(1)n b. n=1n2(1)n c. n=1n d. ninguna de las anteriores 5. Una serie con radio de convergencia R= es: a. n=1n!xn b. n=0n3xn c. n=0n!xn d. ninguna de las anteriores