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  • Pregunta: A) Make a table of classes, Intervals or boundaries, relative frequencies that are required for a Draw a Relative Frequency Diagram. Use 6 Classes b) Calculate 1) the average or average 5) Range 2) quartil-1 6) Variance 3) quartile-2 7 standard deviation 4) quartil-3 8) coefficient of variation c) Prepare a Graphic Box Plot (Box and Wisker) d) Determine the

    A) Make a table of classes, Intervals or boundaries, relative frequencies that are required for a Draw a Relative Frequency Diagram. Use 6 Classes b) Calculate 1) the average or average 5) Range 2) quartil-1 6) Variance 3) quartile-2 7 standard deviation 4) quartil-3 8) coefficient of variation c) Prepare a Graphic Box Plot (Box and Wisker) d) Determine the values of the border or near the atypical numbers (outliers).

    E) Answer whether or not there are atypical numbers. What are they?

    F) Determine how many standard deviations the number 42 of its average is.

    G) If the standard deviation had to be estimated, what would be your estimate?

    H) According to the Chevyshev Theorem between which pair of values must be at least 75% of the data.

    2. Determine: The coefficient of variation (CV) of the two sets of data.

    (this is for data 1)

    For the two sets:

    A) Prepare a Box Plot chart (Box and Wisker)

    B) Determine the values of the border or near the atypical numbers (outliers).


    Answer whether or not there are atypical numbers. What are they?
    (this is for data 2)
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Assignment 4.1 (SI.5.6.3) Objetive: (Oudiers), deteminar Vaicr Zo yestinur de la dosviación estindr: Instruceients: a. Deberd coniestar en lormato de MS Word i Excel y envar como documento adjunto c. Vior 50 pts Realice el siguiente problema: 1. Paralos squientes datos: (Ordenados) X=880;X2=39648 b) Calcule c) Prepure un Grachic Box Pok (Box and Waser) e) Conteste si hay ono nimeros alipicas De haberbs caulies son? fi Detemine a cuantas desvociones estindass esta ei numero 42 de su promedo Para ko dres sets a) Prepare in grafico Dos Plat (Blor and Whaket) c) Cotteste si hay ono nùneros arpicos. De hsbelbs coultes scan?