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  • Pregunta: Let Q(x,y)Q(x,y) be the statement " x+y=x−y ". If the universe of discourse for both variables consists of all integers, what are the truth values? 1. ∀x∀y Q(x,y) 2. ∀y∃x Q(x,y) 3. Q(1,1) 4. ∃x∀y Q(x,y) 5. ∀x∃y Q(x,y) 6. Q(2,0)Q 7. ∀y Q(1,y) 8. ∃y∀x Q(x,y)

    Let Q(x,y)Q(x,y) be the statement " x+y=x−y ". If the universe of discourse for both variables consists of all integers, what are the truth values?

    1. ∀x∀y Q(x,y)
    2. ∀y∃x Q(x,y)
    3. Q(1,1)
    4. ∃x∀y Q(x,y)
    5. ∀x∃y Q(x,y)
    6. Q(2,0)Q
    7. ∀y Q(1,y)
    8. ∃y∀x Q(x,y)

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