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  • Pregunta: Let ℓ1 be the line passing through the points A=(9,8,3) and B=(11,7,4), and let ℓ2 be the line with symmetric equations ..... where c is a constant. (a) (2pts) Write the vector equation of ℓ1. (b) (2pts) Write the vector equation of ℓ2 (your answer remains in terms of c). (c) (2pts) Verify that the direction vectors of ℓ1 and ℓ2 are perpendicular. (d)

    Let ℓ1 be the line passing through the points A=(9,8,3) and B=(11,7,4), and let ℓ2 be the line with symmetric equations


    where c is a constant.

    (a) (2pts) Write the vector equation of ℓ1.

    (b) (2pts) Write the vector equation of ℓ2 (your answer remains in terms of c).

    (c) (2pts) Verify that the direction vectors of ℓ1 and ℓ2 are perpendicular.

    (d) (3pts) Find the value of c for which lines ℓ1 and ℓ2 intersect. Write the value of c in the blank space.

    (e) (2pts) For the value of c found in the previous section, find the point of intersection of lines ℓ1 and ℓ2.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

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    Paso 1

    Given : l1: the line passing through points A(9,8,3) and B(11,7,4)

    l2: the line with symmetric equation :

    x13=y101=zc7 where c is const...

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
Sea 1 la recta que pasa por los puntos A=(9,8,3) y B=(11,7,4) y sea 2 la recta con ecuaciones simétricas 3x1=1y10=7zc. donde c es una constante. (a) (2pts) Escriba la ecuación vectorial de 1. (b) (2pts) Escriba la ecuación vectorial de 2 (su respuesta queda en términos de c ). (c) (2pts) Verifique que los vectores directores de 1 y 2 son perpendiculares. (d) (3pts) Halle el valor de c para el cual las rectas 1 y 2 se intersecan. Escriba el valor de c en el espacio en blanco. (e) (2pts) Para el valor de c hallado en el inciso anterior, halle el punto de intersección de las rectas 1 y 2