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  • Pregunta: The joint pmf of two random variables X and Y is given by P(X=x,Y=y)=⎩⎨⎧0.30.0500. if x=100,y=500 if x=100,y=1000 if x=100,y=2000 if x=500,y=500 if x=500,y=1000 if x=500,y=2000 if x=1000,y=500 if x=1000,y=1000 if x=1000,y=2000 Note: Write the answers as decimal 0.00 a) P(X>Y)= b) P(X≥500)= c) Is P(Y=y)=⎩⎨⎧0.550.350.1 if y=500 if y=1000

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The joint pmf of two random variables X and Y is given by P(X=x,Y=y)=0.30.0500. if x=100,y=500 if x=100,y=1000 if x=100,y=2000 if x=500,y=500 if x=500,y=1000 if x=500,y=2000 if x=1000,y=500 if x=1000,y=1000 if x=1000,y=2000 Note: Write the answers as decimal 0.00 a) P(X>Y)= b) P(X500)= c) Is P(Y=y)=0.550.350.1 if y=500 if y=1000 if y=2000 the marginal pmf of the random variable Y ?