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  • Pregunta: IV. Analisis of MRNV. Present the possible structure of the unknownVI. Infrared analysis: Propose the possible IR bands that should be observed in IR for the above spectrumVII. Propose a structure consistent with the illustrated 1H NMR spectrum.down. The numbers adjacent to the peaks indicate their relative areas. δ 0.91 (doublet, 6H); δ 1.18 (doublet, 3H);

    IV. Analisis of MRN
    V. Present the possible structure of the unknown
    VI. Infrared analysis: Propose the possible IR bands that should be observed in IR for the above spectrum
    VII. Propose a structure consistent with the illustrated 1H NMR spectrum.
    down. The numbers adjacent to the peaks indicate their relative areas. δ 0.91 (doublet, 6H); δ 1.18 (doublet, 3H); δ 1.40 (triplet, 2H); δ 1.62 (multiplet of 9 peaks, 1H); δ 3.58 (singlet, 1H); δ 4.03 (sextet, 1H). IR: broad peak 3300 – 3500 cm-1.
    Molecular formula: C6H14O

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IV. Análisis de resonancia magnética nuclear: V. Presente la Posible estructura del desconocido VI. Análisis de infrarrojo: Proponga las posibles bandas IR que se deberian observar en IR para el espectro anterior. Bandas importantes (indique # de onda en cm1 ) Grupo(s) funcional(es) presente(s) VII. Proponga una estructura consistente con el espectro de 'H RMN ilustrado abajo. Los números adyacentes a los picos indican sus áreas relativas. δ0.91 (doblete, 6H);δ1.18 (doblete, 3H);δ1.40 (triplete, 2H ); δ1.62 (multiplete de 9 picos, 1H ); δ3.58. (singlete, 1H);δ4.03 (sextete, 1H). IR: pico ancho 33003500 cm1. Formula molecular: C6H14O