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  • Pregunta: While holding one of its ends, a worker throws a loop of rope over the lowest branch of a tree. If you throw the rope with an initial speed v0 at an angle of 60° with the horizontal. a) The minimum speed for the rope to pass between

    While holding one of its ends, a worker throws a loop of rope over the lowest branch of a tree. If you throw the rope with an initial speed v0 at an angle of 60° with the horizontal.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    a) The minimum speed for the rope to pass between the two branches is vmin = Answer

    b) The maximum speed for the rope to pass between the two branches is vmax = Answer

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    To start, calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity using the given angle 60°.

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
Mientras sostiene uno de sus extremos, un trabajador lanza un lazo de cuerda sobre la rama más baja de un árbol. Si lanza la cuerda con una velocidad inicial vo a un ángulo de 60° con la horizontal. B 0.9 m 5.7 m 60° 0.7 m 5 m a) La rapidez mínima para que la cuerda logre pasar entre las dos ramas es Vmin = m/s. b) La rapidez máxima para que la cuerda logre pasar entre las dos ramas es vmáx = m/s.