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  • Pregunta: You have been hired to determine the probability that the rains in the month of March in the city of La-La-Land (see Table P3) are greater than 2 inches, for this you have been provided with precipitation data for the month of March for the last 31 years. If we assume that the rainfall accumulation is a random variable X and has a log-normal distribution.

    You have been hired to determine the probability that the rains in the month of March in the city of La-La-Land (see Table P3) are greater than 2 inches, for this you have been provided with precipitation data for the month of March for the last 31 years. If we assume that the rainfall accumulation is a random variable X and has a log-normal distribution. Determine the following to establish your solution:
    a) Average value, E[X]
    b) Variance and standard deviation, V[x] and V(V[X]), respectively
    c) Parameters μ i for the log-normal distribution using equations 3 and 4, respectively

    Algebraically solving Eq. 1 and Eq. 2, it can be shown that:

    d) P(X>=2 in)
    e) P(X>=3 in)

    Precipitation values (in) during march over a 31 year period in La-la-land city(table 3 data)

    Yr 1 - 0.77

    Yr2 - 1.20

    Yr 3- 3.00

    Yr 4- 1.62

    Yr 5- 2.81

    Yr 6- 2.48

    Yr 7 - 1.74

    Yr 8- 0.47

    Yr 9- 3.09

    Yr 10- 1.31

    Yr 11- 1.87

    Yr 12- 0.96

    Yr 13- 0.81

    Yr 14- 1.43

    Yr 15-1.51

    Yr 16-0.32

    Yr 17- 1.18

    Yr 18-1.89

    Yr 19-1.20

    Yr 20-3.37

    Yr 21-2.10

    Yr 22-0.59

    Yr 23-1.35

    Yr 24-0.90

    Yr 25-1.95

    Yr 26-2.20

    Yr 27-0.52

    Yr 28-0.81

    Yr 29-4.75

    Yr 30-2.05

    Yr 31-0.19

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Usted a sido contratado para determinar la probabilidad de que las lluvias en el mes de marzo en la ciudad de La-La-Land (ver Tabla P3) sean mayor de 2 pulgadas, para esto se le ha provisto la data de precipitación en el mes de marzo para los pasados 31 años. Si asumimos que la acumulación de lluvia es una variable aleatoria X y tiene una distribución log-normal. Determine lo siguiente para establecer su solución: a) Valor promedio, E[X] (10 pts.) b) Variancia y desviación estándar, V[x] y V(V[X]), respectivamente (10 pts.) c) Parámetros μ yo para la distribución log-normal utilizando las ecuaciones 3 y 4, respectivamente (5 pts.) E[X] = 4+² -- Eq. 1 V[X] = (e²H+0²) (ea²-1) --- Eq. 2 Despejando algebraicamente de las Eq. 1 & Eq. 2 se puede demostrar que: μ = In (E[X])- In (EX)2+VIX)) EXI 2 --- Eq. 3 o= In d) P(X z 2 in) (5 pts.) e) P(X ≥ 3 in) (5 pts.) (E[X]²+V[X]) Eq. 4