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  • Pregunta: Given the weight of the box is 50lbf and the force od tension by the rope is from 19 lbfEnter the value of the friction force in lbf since the coefficient of friction due to the surface is 0.39. (do not enter units)

    Given the weight of the box is 50lbf and the force od tension by the rope is from 19 lbf

    Enter the value of the friction force in lbf since the coefficient of friction due to the surface is 0.39. (do not enter units)

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    Paso 1
    Force of friction formula
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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
Dado el valor del peso de la caja de 50lbf y la fuerza de tensión debido a la soga de 19lbf Ingrese el valor de la fuerza de fricción en Ibf dado que el coeficiente de fricción debido a la superficie es de 0.39. (no ingrese unidades)