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  • Pregunta: The force over a mass particle, m, is given by F=26i-12t²j where F is in Newton (N) and t in seconds. What is the change in momentum of the particle between t=1.0s and t=2.0s?

    The force over a mass particle, m, is given by F=26i-12t²j where F is in Newton (N) and t in seconds. What is the change in momentum of the particle between t=1.0s and t=2.0s?

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1. La fuerza sobre una partícula de masa, m, está dada por F=26i12t2j donde F está en Newton (N) y t en segundos. ¿Cuál es el cambio en momentum de la partícula entre t=1.0yt=2.0 s ?