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  • Pregunta: The following reaction is first order in each reaction, and the constant of rate is 8.39 x 10-5 L mol-1 s-1 at 24.8 °C in nitrobenzene as solvent: C6H5N(CH3)2 + CH3I ------> C6H5N(CH3)3+ + I- a) Assuming that the initial concentrations of both reactants are equal to 0.100 mol L-1, find the time that must elapse for the 75% of these have

    The following reaction is first order in each reaction, and the constant of
    rate is 8.39 x 10-5 L mol-1 s-1 at 24.8 °C in nitrobenzene as solvent:

    C6H5N(CH3)2 + CH3I ------> C6H5N(CH3)3+ + I-

    a) Assuming that the initial concentrations of both reactants are equal to 0.100 mol L-1, find the time that must elapse for the 75% of these have reacted.

    b) For the same reaction and, at the same temperature, find the time that must elapse for 50% of the methyl iodide to have reacted if its initial concentration is 0.100 mol L-1 and the initial concentration of dimethylphenylamine is 0.075 mol L-1.

    c) Suggest an appropriate instrumental method for experimentally studying this reaction. Justify.

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    Since the reaction is first-order in each reactant, write down the rate law expression as .

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La siguiente reacción es de primer orden en cada reaccionante, y la constante de velocidad es 8,39 x 10^ L mol s1 a 24,8 °C en nitrobenceno como solvente: a. C6H5N(CH3)2 + CH3I C6H5N(CH3)3 + I Suponiendo que las concentraciones iniciales de ambos reaccionantes son iguales a 0,100 mol L"', encuentre el tiempo que debe transcurrir para que el 75% de estos haya reaccionado. b. Para la misma reacción y a la misma temperatura, encuentre el tiempo que debe transcurrir para que haya reaccionado el 50% del yoduro de metilo si su concentración inicial es 0,100 mol 1"' y la concentración inicial de dimetilfenilamina es 0,075 mol Lº?. Sugiera un método instrumental apropiado para estudiar experimentalmente esta reacción. Justifique. c.