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  • Pregunta: Find the solution of this initial value problem. Using the values ​​of your parameters a= 4,b= 2,c=6 ,d=3 From the beginning. Write your answer in

    Find the solution of this initial value problem.

    student submitted image, transcription available below

    Using the values ​​of your parameters
    a= 4,b= 2,c=6 ,d=3
    From the beginning.

    Write your answer in the form: Y=F(x).

    Complete, coherent, detailed solution. Include all steps. Write all the steps in the evaluation of integrals.

    Differential Equations ODE's with initial value

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    Queda solo un paso para resolver este problema.
    100(3 calificaciones)
    Paso 1

    given : a = 4 , b= 2 , c= 6 and d= 3

    therefore differential eq. will become

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    answer image blur
Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
dxdy2axy=bxceax2,y(0)=d Usar los valores de tus parámetros a,b,c,d desde el principio. Escribir tu respuesta en la forma y=f(x).