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  • Pregunta: Find the Fourier series for the function whose waveform is shown in Figure 1.3. The function f(t) can be expressed analytically like this: 1.a) Calculate the fourier coefficients a0,an,bn Remember at the end of the calculation of the coefficients to use the following equalityThe result of yhe coefficients is in the image.

    Find the Fourier series for the function whose waveform is shown in Figure 1.3. The function f(t) can be expressed analytically like this: 1.a) Calculate the fourier coefficients a0,an,bn Remember at the end of the calculation of the coefficients to use the following equalityThe result of yhe coefficients is in the image.

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    1.b)Suppose that the current flowing through a nonlinear load is that of Figure 1.3 and the source voltage is sinusoidal, the displacement factor is 0.9 in lag. What is the total power factor of the load?
    𝐹𝑃 = 𝐹𝐷 ∙ cos ∅
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    For getting the input power factor just find the displacement factor and distortion factor

    1.a) The c...

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Armónicas, series de Fourier y Factor de Potencia PROBLEMA 1.11 Encontrar la serie de Fourier para la función cuya forma de onda se muestra en la figura 1.3. la función f(t) se puede expresar analíticamente así: f(t)={1+T4t,2T<t01T4t,0t<2T. Figura 1.3. Forma de onda del probleme 1.11. 1) Cálcule los coeficientes de fourier a0,an,bn a0=T2T/2T/2f(t)dtan=T2T/2T/2f(t)cos(nω0t)dtbn=T2T/2T/2f(t)sin(nω0t)dt donde ω0=T2π Recuerde al final del cálculo de los coeficientes empleaar la siguiente igualdad: cos=(1)n Respuesta de los coeficientes: a0=0an=0,n2π28,bn=0n par n impar.