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  • Pregunta: An experiment was conducted to determine if it was possible to predict the weight of an animal after a given period based on its initial weight and the amount of food it consumed. The following data was recorded, in kilograms:a) Set up a multiple regression equation.b) Predict how much an animal weighs that starts weighing to consume 250 kilograms of

    An experiment was conducted to determine if it was possible to predict the weight of an animal after a given period based on its initial weight and the amount of food it consumed. The following data was recorded, in kilograms:

    a) Set up a multiple regression equation.
    b) Predict how much an animal weighs that starts weighing to consume 250 kilograms of food.

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8. Se realizó un experimento para determinar si era posible predecir el peso de un animal después de un periodo determinado con base en su peso inicial y la cantidad de alimento que consumía. Se registraron los siguientes datos, en kilogramos: Peso final 95 77 80 100 97 70 50 80 92 84 33 45 39 36 32 41 40 38 Peso inicial 42 33 Peso del alimento 272 226 259 292 311 183 173 236 230 235 a) Ajuste una ecuación de regresión múltiple. b) Prediga cuánto pesará un animal que comienza pesando 35 kilogramos después de consumir 250 kilogramos de alimento.