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  • Pregunta: In Exercises 1-20 solve the initial value problem. Where indicated by , graph the solution. 1. y′′+3y′+2y=6e2t+2δ(t−1),y(0)=2,y′(0)=−6 2. y′′+y′−2y=−10e−t+5δ(t−1),y(0)=7,y′(0)=−9 3. y′′−4y=2e−t+5δ(t−1),y(0)=−1,y′(0)=2 4. C/Gy′′+y=sin3t+2δ(t−π/2),y(0)=1,y′(0)=−1 5. y′′+4y=4+δ(t−3π),y(0)=0,y′(0)=1 6. y′′−y=8+2δ(t−2),y(0)=−1,y′(0)=1 7.

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In Exercises 1-20 solve the initial value problem. Where indicated by , graph the solution. 1. y′′+3y+2y=6e2t+2δ(t1),y(0)=2,y(0)=6 2. y′′+y2y=10et+5δ(t1),y(0)=7,y(0)=9 3. y′′4y=2et+5δ(t1),y(0)=1,y(0)=2 4. C/Gy′′+y=sin3t+2δ(tπ/2),y(0)=1,y(0)=1 5. y′′+4y=4+δ(t3π),y(0)=0,y(0)=1 6. y′′y=8+2δ(t2),y(0)=1,y(0)=1 7. y′′+y=et+3δ(t6),y(0)=1,y(0)=4 8. y′′+4y=8e2t+δ(tπ/2),y(0)=8,y(0)=0 9. C/Gy′′+3y+2y=1+δ(t1),y(0)=1,y(0)=1 10. y′′+2y+y=et+2δ(t2),y(0)=1,y(0)=2 11. C/Gy′′+4y=sint+δ(tπ/2),y(0)=0,y(0)=2 12. y′′+2y+2y=δ(tπ)3δ(t2π),y(0)=1,y(0)=2 13. y′′+4y+13y=δ(tπ/6)+2δ(tπ/3),y(0)=1,y(0)=2 14. 2y′′3y2y=1+δ(t2),y(0)=1,y(0)=2 15. 4y′′4y+5y=4sint4cost+δ(tπ/2)δ(tπ),y(0)=1,y(0)=1