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  • Pregunta: Exercise: Calculating the concentration in the original sample based on serial dilutions.Determine the concentration of organisms per mL in the original sample. Each student will do two exercises; the first one using the data according to the end of their student number and the one indicated by "All" will be done by all the students.

    Calculating the concentration in the original sample based on serial dilutions.

    Determine the concentration of organisms per mL in the original sample. Each student will do two exercises; the first one using the data according to the end of their student number and the one indicated by "All" will be done by all the students.

    student submitted image, transcription available below
    At the end you must explain if the result obtained is logical and according to what you would expect or if you find any discrepancy in the results or data obtained. If you find any discrepancies, you should present what you think happened in that case.

    student number: 801-18-5246
    answer the question
    student submitted image, transcription available below
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    La consigna no es muy clara, sin embargo, voy a determinar si el resultado resulta lógico para cada ...

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
Calculando la concentración en la muestra original basado en la diluciones en serie Determine la concentración de organismos por m L en la muestra original. Cada estudiante hará dos ejercicios; el primero usando los datos de acuerdo al final de su número de estudiante y el que indica "Todos" lo harán todos los estudiantes. Alfinal debe explicar si el resultado obtenido es Iógico y de acuerdo a lo que esperaria o si encuentra alguna discrepancia en los resultados o los datos obtenidos. De encontrar alguna discrepancia debe presentar lo que piensa que ocurrió en ese caso. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline Muestra & Concentracion de organismos por ml en muestra original \\ \hline & \\ \hline E & \\ \hline \end{tabular}