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  • Pregunta: Exercise 2. Solve the following question in MARS - MIPS. Please add the outputs. Given an array A of 5 elements and a value X, both entered by keyboard. Calculate: a) The smallest element of the array b) Find if X is in A, if it is true print the message: "I found it"

    Exercise 2. Solve the following question in MARS - MIPS. Please add the outputs.

    Given an array A of 5 elements and a value X, both entered by keyboard. Calculate:
    a) The smallest element of the array
    b) Find if X is in A, if it is true print the message: "I found it"

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    Program : *************************find.asm******************************************************************** .data #variable declaration section    #word =4 byte integer    #space reserve in memory of 5 elements 5*4 =20 bytes    A: .space 20    pr

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Ejercicio-2 Dado un arreglo A de 5 elementos y un valor X, ambos ingresado por teclado. Calcular: a) El mínimo elemento del arreglo b) Buscar si X está en A, si es verdad imprimir el mensaje: "lo encontré"