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  • Pregunta: Determine the volume of a balloon by integration; For this, consider that an ovoid can be obtained by rotating around the X axis the upper part of an ellipse with a major axis of 27 cm and a minor axis of 18 cm, and that if the ellipse is centered on the origin of the XY plane, its equation is x ^2/(182.25) +y^2/81 = 1

    Determine the volume of a balloon by integration; For this, consider that an ovoid can be obtained by rotating around the X axis the upper part of an ellipse with a major axis of 27 cm and a minor axis of 18 cm, and that if the ellipse is centered on the origin of the XY plane, its equation is x ^2/(182.25) +y^2/81 = 1

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    Before solving the question we should know that the volume of the solid rotated about x axis in the i...

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
Balón de americano (ovoide). Determine el volumen de un balón mediante integración; para esto considere que un ovoide se puede obtener rotando en tomo al eje X la parte superior de una elipse con eje mayor 27 cm y eje menor 18 cm, y que si la elipse esta centrada en el origen del plano XY, su ecuación es 4729x2+81y2=1, (ésto se podría justificar con Geometría Analitica).