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  • Pregunta: Describe as explained in class how you can separate the Schrodinger equation into its temporal and space part assuming solutions of the type Ψ(x, t) = ψ(x)φ(t) when the potential is independent of time, V (x ). (a) For the above case of time-independent potential V (x), explain how it is(form) the family of solutions Ψn(x,t) in general.(b) Name some of the

    Describe as explained in class how you can separate the Schrodinger equation into its temporal and space part assuming solutions of the type Ψ(x, t) = ψ(x)φ(t) when the potential is independent of time, V (x ).
    (a) For the above case of time-independent potential V (x), explain how it is
    (form) the family of solutions Ψn(x,t) in general.
    (b) Name some of the properties of this infinite family of solutions mentioned.
    mentioned in class.
    (c) What is the expected value of the energy and momentum for each solution?

    Describa como se expuso en clase como puede separar la ecuacio ́n de Schrodinger en su parte temporal y espacio asumiendo soluciones del tipo Ψ(x, t) = ψ(x)φ(t) cuando el potencial es independiente del tiempo, V (x).
    (a) Para el caso anterior de potencial independiente del tiempo V (x), explique como es
    (forma) la familia de soluciones Ψn(x,t) en general.
    (b) Mencione algunas de las propiedades de esta familia infinita de soluciones men-
    cionadas en clase.
    (c) C ́omo es el valor esperado de la energ ́ıa y el momento para cada solucio ́n?

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    Hay 3 pasos para resolver este problema.
    Paso 1

    The solution has been developed below in step by step manner.



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    Paso 2
    Paso 3