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  • Pregunta: ¿Cuánto tarda la luz en recorrer 1.0 m? (c = 3.0 \times 108 m/s)  3.3 ns  3.3 \mu s  3.3 ms  3.3 s

    ¿Cuánto tarda la luz en recorrer 1.0 m? (c = 3.0 \times 108 m/s)
     3.3 ns
     3.3 \mu s
     3.3 ms
     3.3 s
  • Chegg Logo
    Esta es la mejor manera de resolver el problema.

    #### Variables and Formulas The speed of light is given by: $$ c = 3.0 * 10^8 m/s $$ #### Concepts The time taken by light to travel a certain distance is given by the distance divided by the speed of light. #### Main Response The time taken by light to travel 1.0 m is given by: $$*$$...

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