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  • Pregunta: a coil with 104 turns has a current of 2.8 A, and its on the plane 5.5x-9.4z=12 such that the magnetic moment is directed towards the origin. the internal area of the coil is 14.8cm^2. determine the torque magnitud that the coil experiments on magnetic field of 3.6 T on the x positive direction.

    a coil with 104 turns has a current of 2.8 A, and its on the plane 5.5x-9.4z=12 such that the magnetic moment is directed towards the origin. the internal area of the coil is 14.8cm^2. determine the torque magnitud that the coil experiments on magnetic field of 3.6 T on the x positive direction.

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Una bobina con 104 vueltas tiene una corriente de 2.8 A y esta en el plano 5.5x - 9.4z = 12 tal que el momento magnético queda dirigido hacia el origen. El área interna de la bobina es de 14.8 cm2. Determine la magnitud del torque a dos cifras significativas que experimenta la bobina en un campo magnético de valor 3.6 T en dirección del eje de x positivo. Respuesta: