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  • Pregunta: The circuit in the figure is fed by a 220V Y-generator with positive phase sequence and frequency of 60 Hz:a) Find the current of the Neutral wire if this load is connected by 4 wires with the generator.b) Find the complex power consumed by the loadc) If the neutral wire is removed, what would be the VNn d) What would be the complex power consumed

    The circuit in the figure is fed by a 220V Y-generator with positive phase sequence and frequency of 60 Hz:
    a) Find the current of the Neutral wire if this load is connected by 4 wires with the generator.
    b) Find the complex power consumed by the load
    c) If the neutral wire is removed, what would be the VNn
    d) What would be the complex power consumed by the load in this case.

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El circuito de la figura se alimenta por un generador en Y de 220 V con secuencia de fase positiva y frecuencia de 60 Hz : - Halle la corriente del cable de Neutro si esta carga se conecta por medio de 4 hilos con el generador. (10 puntos) - Halle la potencia compleja consumida por la carga. (10 puntos) - Si se retira el cable de Neutro cual seria el VNn. (10 puntos) - Cual seria la potencia compleja consumida por la carga en este caso. (10 puntos)