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  • Pregunta: Circuit #1 A seat of motor power (voltage source or battery) in

    Circuit #1 A seat of motor power (voltage source or battery) in series with a light bulb and a single contact interrupt and a single pull. (it is the equivalent of interrupting to turn a quarter light bulb on/off)

    Circuit #2 A voltage source in series with a switch (SPST) and two identical light bulbs. Single Pole, Single Throw.

    Analysis: Fill in the blanks

    1-The luminosity of the bulb B1 is———than the luminosity of the bulb B2.

    2-The current that passes through the bulb B1 is———than the one that passes through the bulb B2.

    3-The brightness of the bulbs in circuit #2 is———— than the brightness of bulb B1 in circuit #1.

    4- The current through bulbs B1 and B2 of circuit #2 is———than the current through bulb B1 in circuit #1.

    student submitted image, transcription available below
    student submitted image, transcription available below
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    Analyze the configuration of each circuit to understand how the series and parallel arrangement of components affects the brightness and current of the light bulbs.

    1. Bulb B1B1 becom

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
Circuito #1 Un asiento de fuera motriz (fuente de voltaje o bateria) en serie con una bombilla y un interruptor de un contacto y una tirada simple. (Es el equivalente al interruptor para prender una bombilla de un cuarto- ON/OFF) Power Supply 2 பாடி Interruptor Circuito #2 Una fuente de voltaje en serie con un interruptor (SPST) y dos bombillas idénticas. Single Pole Single Throw (Simple Polo Simple Corte) Power Supply Bombillas Interruptor Análisis 1. La luminosidad de la bombilla B1 es que la luminosidad de la bombilla B2. 2. La corriente que pasa por la bombilla B1 es que la que pasa por la bombilla B2 3. La luminosidad de las bombillas en el circuito #2 es que la luminosidad de la bombilla B1 en el circuito #1 4. La corriente que pasa por las bombillas B1 Y B2 del circuido #2 es que la corriente que pasa por la bombilla B1 en el circuito #1.