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  • Pregunta: In the chair of linear algebra, 3 professors are chosen and their ages are asked. We realize that: * the oldest of the teachers is exactly twice the age of the youngest teacher. * adding the age of the 3 teachers, we get 216, and * the average between the ages of the youngest and oldest teacher is exactly the age of the third teacher. So, what is the

    In the chair of linear algebra, 3 professors are chosen and their ages are asked.
    We realize that:
    * the oldest of the teachers is exactly twice the age of the youngest teacher.

    * adding the age of the 3 teachers, we get 216, and
    * the average between the ages of the youngest and oldest teacher is exactly the age of the third teacher.

    So, what is the age of the youngest of the teachers?

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En la cátedra de álgebra lineal se eligen 3 profesores a los cuales se les pregunta su edad. Nos damos cuenta que: * el mayor de los profesores, tiene exactamente el doble de la edad del profesor más joven. * sumando la edad de los 3 profesores, obtenemos 216,y * el promedio entre las edades del profesor más joven y el más mayor, es exactamente la edad del tercer profesor. Entonces, ¿cuál es la edad del menor de los profesores? Respuesta: