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  • Pregunta: Calculate the force in FC from the figure shown when the force FA is 50 lbs. The distance between FA and the hinge point is 1 inch. The force acting on the part acting at a vertical distance of 2 inches from the hinge point.

    Calculate the force in FC from the figure shown when the force FA is 50 lbs. The distance between FA and the hinge point is 1 inch. The force acting on the part acting at a vertical distance of 2 inches from the hinge point.

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    To start, set up an equation by equating the torque produced by and around the pivot point.

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Texto de la transcripción de la imagen:
1. Calcular la fuerza en Fc de la figura que se presenta cuando la fuerza FA es 50 libras. La distancia entre FA y el punto de articulación es de 1plg. La fuerza actuando sobre la pieza que actúa a una distancia vertical de 2 plgs desde el punto de articulación. C LLO B Torque A FA A FA 077 Torque B