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  • Pregunta: You have the board shown in the figure below this statement. The material is ASTM A36 and the plate has dimensions of d=7.3 inches and thickness of t=1/2 inch. The plate is fixed by means of 4 screws of 5/8 inch diameter. The distances

    student submitted image, transcription available belowYou have the board shown in the figure below this statement. The material is ASTM A36 and the plate has dimensions of d=7.3 inches and thickness of t=1/2 inch. The plate is fixed by means of 4 screws of 5/8 inch diameter. The distances "j" and "m" in the figure are j=m=1.69 inches, k=2.1 inches, and o=2.8 inches. Using the information provided, calculate the ultimate stress (factored by LRFD) for shear fracture and tensile rupture of the shear block pattern passing through points 3-10-9-4. Skipping reviewing geometric requirements such as: edge distances and distances between holes.

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Se tiene la placa que se muestra en la figura de debajo de este enunciado. El material es ASTM A36 y la placa tiene dimensiones de d-7.3 pulgadas y espesor de t=1/2 pulgada. La placa esta fijada por medio de 4 tornillos de 5/8 de pulgada de diametro. Las distancias "j" y "m" de la figura son j-m-1.69 pulgadas, k-2.1 pulgadas y o-2.8 pulgadas. Con la información que se proporciona, calcula la tensión última P, = $T, (factorizada por LRFD) de fractura por corte y ruptura por tensión del patron de bloque de cortante que pasa por los puntos 3-10-9-4. Omitir revisar requisitos geométricos como: distancias a borde y distancias entre agujeros. d PLACA DE FIJACIÓN k m PLACA DE FIJACIÓN 3 4 2 1 1008 07 6 Og 5 ↑ ➡P